Bad Quilt! No biscuit!!!

Look at the bottom border. Do you see something missing?

BUT, wait! Here's another quilt finish! Do you recognize this one from it's bits and parts laying on my floor before I left home? I had my home based Amazing Quilt Babes look at it. I had you look at it on a previous blog. I had my Sea Side stitching friends look at it. I had the shop owners from Atascadero look at it. They all agreed I should just leave it as it is. No one could really see what was wrong until *I* pointed it out! If you look closely, the left border doesn't match the corner on the right side. The left side looks like a stovepipe hat. The right side looks like one side is caved in. The title of this quilt will be "It is What it Is". The top of the quilt is shown at the bottom of this picture. It has none of the twisty border on it, just black fabric.

So by this point, Wendy and I took a break, and went to town to reserve our space for next year's retreat. On the way back, we saw that Camp Pines in the Woods had an open house, so we went there. It's a summer camp for kids, and it is such a great place! Here's the crafts room where the mosaic over the fireplace was done by some of the campers. There was just so much detail in it! Isn't it fabulous?
The otter with the shell on his belly had three dimensional whiskers. And mirrored tiles were running through the "water" to give it some sparkle.
An overall view of above the fireplace mantel.
The shells and stones were real, and the snake on the hearth was getting close to "getting" the little mice huddled over a little ear of mosiac corn. Towards the bottom of the picture, you can also see the snakes heart/s.
At the camp, they have a great horned owl and a red tail hawk that have been lent to them for their wildlife programs by the Forestry service. While I have seen both of these birds from a distance at home, I have never had the privilege of seeing them up close. They are magnificent!
Another day we drove to Morro Bay for our picnic and shopping at the Cotton Boll, we ran in to Rob Appell. We got to see all his great patterns and quilts that he has done for the Endangered Species Quilt Project. They are wonderful! So is he! And so is the shop. It's always on our list every year for a special day trip.

One morning we woke up, and the day was sunny and bright. As we watched the ocean from the window for more whales, this fog bank started rolling in. Within 5 minutes, you couldn't see even 3 feet away!Sea Side Stitchers and Rob Appell with a couple of his quilts

Quilt Granny and Rob Appell with the tiger pattern

We saw this quilt last year, but had no idea who Rob was. I think this is my absolute favorite of his work.

Now, on to what I know you all have been waiting for. Just HOW MUCH FABRIC did I bring/ship home? Well, not so much my friends! I DO have to update my stash tracker, but I will do that at the end of these posts, because I can also track a lot of fabric out. This is the TOTAL of the stuff I bought. There is a total of 15 yards. The little petite fours were a gift from our friends from the Quilter's Cupboard in Atascadero who joined us for dinner one night. There! That wasn't so bad, was it?
Just love the quilts on the outside patio. With that view, it's no wonder we overlooked the missing border. Glad you got it done; it's a gorgeous quilt! Just fifty more weeks......
I have enjoyed reading about your friends and their projects...
A beautiful place to have a retreat.
Rob Appell quilts are beautiful....thanks for sharing the pictures.
Love the borders and good for you just leave it!
the quilts are wonderful just the way they are!
Your quilts are beautiful! And your posts about your retreat are so fun to read. I got your email and have tried to respond but it keeps coming back to me :-(
You are 'in' my draw though...Good luck! and I'll try to re-send my email to you again.
Both the quilts are beautiful. I have issues with borders too - it is the cause of many of my UFOs. I did persevere, and finished the quilt I'm working on. Haven't posted it yet, but will later today.
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