Margaret is the newest of the Sea Side Stitchers. This year she flew from her home in Columbus, Indiana where she is a long arm quilter to visit her sister Helen first, before we made her crazy in Cambria.
Take a panel of fabric, slice it vertically, sew with a scant 1/8" seam (YES I SAID SCANT 1/8" seam!). Then slice it horizontally and do the same. Fractures!!! Proof positive that we drove her crazy!

Margaret (left) and Wendy (right)
She fit right in with the our silly group, and suggested we use the hot tub (we finally found the little key for the tub this year!) even though we had to go buy "spa wear" at a local thrift shop! We watched the whale "blows" from the tub most every day, and it was Margaret who spotted the first one! And I think she was the last to see them, too!

Now, when you learn something new, it always helps to have about four people hovering over your shoulder, right? Margaret was making her FIRST ever half square triangles! Can you believe that, after you've seen those scant 1/8" seams and the fractures?

Of course, her half square triangles were perfect with all the instructions we gave her. LOL!

No matter how hard I tried to get her to put the bears in trees, she stuck to her guns, and put the bears where they belonged. Of course, there were about 5 different variations before the final cut, but don't they look grand?

Way to go Margaret, and if you had the rest of the fabric, I'm sure this would have been already done. Now, to go look in my stash to see if I have some more for you to use.

Keep stitchin! Another featured quilter tomorrow!
How many quilters does it take to make a HST? You guys are a hoot!
I still can't believe that fractured panel is gorgeous.
I needed all of that help to get the HST correct! I've been to 2 different meetings in 2 different days and have had occasion to mention things learned at the retreat in both of them. Quilt on!
Huh - that is a pretty clever way to use a panel!
Backward "progression" from fractures to HST...what's next, a nine-patch? Didn't we have the best time ever!
thank you for an informative blog- it is nice to see/read of you all having fun and working hard. I like to surf the net all over ( I am from south western Australia) to see what people are making and drool over patterns
and squares
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