So the borders are all on, the picture is taken, the quilt is measured and I've got the backing done. Of course, I had to have help from Clyde when I did the math.
(All the pictures will enlarge if you double click on them. I'm not sure if the captions are large enough for you to read unless you do enlarge them.)

Then I finished the borders on Everything But the Kitchen Sink, a free pattern from RJR. This all started because of one of the Amazing Quilt Babes. I think three of us have made this pattern, and two others have made similar ones using the 3" nine patch blocks we exchanged last year. Of course, mine is bigger, with wider borders so it will fit my bed. It measures 112" X 96" - I put my quilts on the bed sideways, and then make coordinating pillowcases instead of having a pillow roll. If I make them big enough for the pillow roll, then the quilt slides off the foot of the bed, and the cats sleep on it there!
We went to Topeka this morning and picked up my two pieces that were at the Sabatini Gallery. They are now home, safe and sound. I sat at the kitchen table, looking at magazines while Hubby made lunch. My buddy is never far, is he?

Tonight, I am going to hand-stitch the binding down on the Circles Quilt. I suppose I need to make a label for it too. Hmmmmm, now what to do, what to do?
Wow have you ever been productive. And the quilts are so pretty. Clyde looks so cute is that to sit at the table with you!!
Ohmigosh, Sharon. I just visited Needle Nest last week. My husband had a "free" day and I convinced him to take me there. I had read about the shop in the KC Star magazine and just couldn't wait to see it. It is darling!!! I found lots of stuff to buy LOL! The house is wonderful. Too bad it's about 45 minutes away--or maybe that's a good thing!!!
Wow, Sharon, those are both beautiful quilts!! And Clyde is just adorable, of course, he has to help you with the quilting :), and just look at him sitting there are the table---just too cute!! :D
Okay Clyde gave me first belly laugh in a week!! That is so typical of a cat to perch right up there wanting to know wha5t good stuff was going on at the table...nosey bugger!
The quilts are looking fabulous! You've been busy in the past week! I'm trying to do the same thing. Finish up the quilts that have been hanging around waiting for me to get a move on!
Congrats on finishing your Kitchen Sink quilt! It looks great - I have a copy of the pattern printed out... maybe someday - but I never have enough of a plain background! MUST resist all great prints next time I go shopping and just buy a bolt of plain background!
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