Each year, I really seem to overdo the decorating for Christmas. A huge snow village here, garland everywhere, snowmen all over the tops of my cabinets and shelves in the kitchen, angels in the living room, nativities in the dining room, a huge tree in the living room, and at least one more tree downstairs in the family room. You see, I absolutely LOVE Christmas! This year? Not so much. I've struggled with even getting the tree decorated. Yes, it's done, and I do love it ever so much....but nothing else is done. No garland, no snowmen, no angels are even out of the boxes, and they are even still downstairs! Where has my Christmas
mojo gone? I've gotten the shopping done, and all the wrapping is out of the way. I SHOULD be able to enjoy the season, but it sort of seems flat to me this year. I don't know why.
In the meantime, on Sunday, we have a birthday to celebrate first. Our Kaitlyn is getting grown up now, and will be 11! It's hard to believe my youngest grand daughter is a "tween"!!!
My friends, the Amazing Quilt Babes have had their annual Christmas party. We always have it on the first Saturday of December, and I so enjoy their company. We decided to meet at Carol's house this year. She made soup, and the others brought salad, home made bread, cheese and crackers and yummy chocolate trifle. We played Left, Right, Center with Fat Quarters, and then talked and laughed a lot more. We truly intended on playing some games, but we ran out of time. Imagine that!

We think this is our 18
th year together!
BFFs for sure - too many secrets shared!

Here's Carol's Christmas quilt hanging from her balcony over the living room. Isn't it just beautiful?
Our group also makes a baby quilt for the first time Grandma. Carol is the LAST one, now, expecting her first grandchild. This quilt was made by us as a surprise for her soon-t0-be Lydia Louise (spinner of purple cloth in the Bible). The embroidery was a bear for me, but we all knuckled down and got it completed in time for the surprise! Lydia still hasn't arrived yet - we are all still waiting!

The quilt has to be quilted yet in this picture.


Hopefully, the Christmas
mojo will be back after lunch tomorrow, and I can get the rest of the house Holiday Happy! If I wait too much longer, it will be time to take it all down, won't it?

Love those quilts. The Xmas one is great and the little Sunbonnet with flowers is adorable. Lucky baby getting that one! Each year I do a bit less decorating than the previous and have no regrets. I don't dread New Year's Day anymore (that was the put-it-all-away day), and that's a plus! So, relax, and enjoy the K-I-S-S rule of holiday decorating! And give the puppy a treat.
It is ok to have a quiet Christmas...there is so much going on this year I think being a bit subdued is to be expected. Relax and just enjoy the season for what it is not what you think it should be...Merry Christmas.
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