From July to the end of September
Surfin' was fun we'd be out in the sun every day
(Listen to this song at Jerry's Jukebox)
(The color is off on the block below, but is truer in color on the last picture in this post. It is really more of a soft lime green with a hot pink swimsuit. In order to get the detail on the Beach Baby, I had to take the picture without a flash.)
I don't have time to be messing around with ANY new projects, but what am I doing? Messing around with a new project.
We're planning to go to the Caribbean (same place as the last 20 years) December 27 as long as my mom is OK. I just can't fathom not taking handwork along with the 2 dozen books. I've been telling myself that I need a break from sewing and quilting, and it's OK not to take anything. I finally broke down and pulled out a pattern that I've loved and wanted to make for a long time. Of course, it won't be anything like it when I'm done, but it's nice to have an inspiration piece, right?
I find that handwork is really calming. I can think and dream about anything while I stitch. Sometimes, when we are vacationing, I can fall asleep while I am stitching. How relaxing is that? When people tell me that I do too much, why not take a break, I pause and think about it, but in the end, my heart knows what my hands want to be doing. Sewing!
Can you see where this is heading? I think I'll have 4-6 babies done, ready to embroider and buttonhole while I'm on the beach.
Beach babies, beach babies there on the la la la....
really like the cat. She looks great in the swim suit.
Why is it we can't have idle hands even on vacation? You are not crazy your heart knows best. Keep sewing.
This is just to cute. What a clever idea. Keep sewing as long as the good LOrd allows and enjoy every minute of it.
Love it Sharon!
Merry Christmas Sharon! Hopefully the new year will bring more time for me to keep up!
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