We were short a member today again (Vicky this time), but Carolyn had already made quite a few of the blocks before today, so that helped get as many on the board as we did. What appears to be the white of the design wall or sashing is actually the last two strips on the log cabin. The blocks are set on point, and with just the last two rounds the lightest color really makes them pop! The edges on the bottom are small log cabins with setting triangles on each corner. This quilt will be a giant at 110" square! Carolyn is on the back row, right side.

While we were all together, Carolyn's daughter stopped by to show us a quilt top she had made, and brought along her 6 month old daughter. She also wanted to share her Strip Club quilt top she had just finished, too. One of our LQS's started a Strip Club. Each month, you pick up your kit which includes the pattern and all the precut strips for $35.00 and make it up. It's big enough for a comfortable lap quilt, 49" X 61". I think this is not for me, but another nice idea to get folks into the shop.

Carolyn believes it's never too early to learn to quilt with Grandma, right?

Awww, what a cute pic of a first time quilter with Gramma! Bet she'll treasure that one when she gets older, especially since it shows the quilt she's working on, which is also special. :)
The log cabin is great. I do like the way it looks on the wall. 3 generations of quilters. =)
I love the log cabins set on point. sweet baby too.
I love the name of your group! The quilt is gorgeous, too.
You all look like you are having such fun. Love the picture with Grandma and the baby at the machine!
You are right thought that white looks like sashing.
love that gramma and baby photo, so sweet!
You know that baby will probably have sewing as her first memory, especially if Grannie does this everytime!! Lovely thought to have!!
The quilt is stunning, and I like that it doesn't really have the normal dark and light sides. I love that you ladies do this sort of thing!
Nice quilt, and it was good to see a pic of Elizabeth! I'm thinking I'd like to try to get a group like yours together; it is a terrific idea.
Ahhhh, Carolyn wouldn't want to part with those blocks would she???!!! :) I LOVE it! The colors are so me, and I always love log cabins but get so bored sewing them! What fun! Tell her I really love it!
I love the colors in the quilt, and I too sure would like to have a group like yours to get together with. Love that baby getting right into it!
So you each choose a project and get together for your birthdays? What a great idea!! I wish I had a local group of quilting friends. I like the idea of making a quilt like this on point, but leaving the edges zigzaggy! We'll see when I find time for that!
great log cabin in the back ground. I like the elongated log cabin also. Looks like a very happy quilter, all three mom, grandma and grandchild.
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