Monday, July 02, 2012

More quilts from Wichita KS

I have a lot more to share this week, so I'll get right to it and share some more of my favorites from the Wichita KS quilt show. The first one is another one that I'd like to make. I love the scrappiness as well as the geometric pattern. Does anyone know this pattern? I'm sure think I can figure it out, but if someone else has, I'd like to reward them by buying THEIR pattern!
Wowsers!  I love this one too!
Does anyone know the pattern for this?
Stunning Spiderweb!
Do you see what makes the spiderwebs?

Love the quilting as well as the borders.
Another "must make"! 
Another version.
Three friends made these - this one is called Taco Chips - cute, eh? 
Another geometric I love.
Beautiful quilting, too.
Interesting way to use this border print.
Can you see how I am drawn to strong contrast geometrics? 
Simple quilting enhanced the diagonal lines.
A simple cut of fabric all dolled up with an innovative border.
And I think the flowers were ragged edge cut from mor of the fabric and then appliqued on.
Look at that quilting!
A few crystals here and there enhanced the design. 
The circles were tacked on.
That's it for today's entry.  Next up will be my fun weekend of Color....and maybe some more quilts!


  1. I believe the pattern you're looking for is Potluck Pinwheels by Iowa Star Designs. The copyright on the pattern is 2002.

    If you cannot find it anywhere, I would be happy to send you my copy as I won't be making another one.


  2. All beautiful; thanks for sharing!

  3. I think this might be a hunters star!
